Home Disclaimer



Please note that there are a lot of situations in life that are beyond the realm of our powers. The supernatural works in mysterious ways many times beyond human understanding. We do not claim to be the ultimate authority that can and will change the destiny of your life. We cannot expressly guarantee that the Psychics we cast will expressly produce the desired results. Please use the website at your sole discretion. Psychics will not solve your problem(s) instantly.

PAPA’s healing sessions are available to all people of race, religion, or culture


DisclaimerWe do not evaluate or guarantee the accuracy or success of any answers, advice, or services given through the Site. The site and the services provided are provided “as is” with no warranty. Privately expressly disclaim any warranty, regarding the site and all services, including any implied warranty of merchant fitness for a particular purpose or for the failure of performance.

Our own selves do not warrant that the services provided by the site of the verification that services will be free from bias, defects, errors, eavesdropping, or listening. We shall not be responsible for the quality of information or the authentication of the services or details given by experts on the site. By using this site you accept the terms and conditions of this Disclaimer.

Our own selves do not warrant that the services provided by the site of the verification that services will be free from bias, defects, errors, eavesdropping, or listening. We shall not be responsible for the quality of information or the authentication of the services or details given by experts on the site. By using this site you accept the terms and conditions of this Disclaimer. You agree that any use you make of such answers, advice, or services is at your own risk and that we are not responsible for any damages or losses resulting from your reliance on such answers or advice.


By using the website you understand and expressly agree that we are not responsible for any loss, harm, injury, or damage whatsoever resulting from or arising out of your using the website.Full

You agree that any use you make of such answers. Advice or services are at your own risk. And that we are not responsible for any damages or losses. Resulting from your reliance on such answers or advice. By using the website you understand and expressly agree. That we are not responsible for any loss, harm, injury, or damage. Whatsoever resulting from or arising out of your using the website. Full Definition of disclaimer. 1 a: a denial or disavowal of legal claim: relinquishment of or formal refusal to accept an interest or estate b: a writing that embodies a legal disclaimer. 2 a: denial, disavowal b: repudiation


What we do offer is an opportunity to explore and develop your spirituality. Illumination and awakening in the hopes. That you will flow into a way of being is  LOVE. Hope, peace, harmony and joy. An alternative way to explore and experience life. In a more balanced and spiritually awakened state of being.

If you are pregnant, please consult with your doctor. Prior to attending any private or group energy healing sessions with PAPA. We do not recommend energy healing work after 12 weeks of pregnancy

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